High Ability Learners (HAL)
High Ability Learners (HAL)
Our Goal
In BLGPS, we have a school-based identification process to identify our High Ability Learners (HALs). Our HALs are curious, inquisitive, have high reasoning skills and enjoy problem solving by nature.
Our goal is to nurture our HALs to grow in their ability (Gagne, 2003), to remain engaged and challenged (Reis & Renzulli, 2004; Maker, 2009), to cultivate a love for learning (Gallagher & Gallagher, 1994) and develop their socio-emotional skills (Neihart, 2007).
Our Approach
To support our HALs, we have curated structured enrichment programmes and Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) lessons to challenge, enrich and empower our HALs with the autonomy to construct their learning in a real-world context. These learning experiences have developed our high ability learners’ critical and inventive thinking skills which are important 21st century competencies which prepare them to be future ready.
Provision of Enrichment Programmes
Our HALs enrichment programmes such as the Reading & Inquiry programme, the Bicultural programme, Excellence 2000 (E2K) Science and E2K Mathematics help to stretch our HALs' strength in Languages, Math and Science. In addition, we also have the Innovation Programme (IvP) and Community Problem Solving (CmPS) to strengthen our HALs in creative problem-solving and thinking skills. These programmes deepen their interest in areas of passion, as well as develop their domain strengths and capacity to make a positive difference to their fields of study and community.

Provision of IBL Lessons during Curriculum Time
During lessons, our teachers adopt Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) as our key pedagogical approach to design and facilitate open-ended, interactive and generative lessons for our HALs. These lessons motivate our HALs to learn. They also have autonomy over their learning pace and the freedom to make choices in their learning. Furthermore, their social interaction and collaborative problem-solving is enriched through IBL. These lessons also provide platforms for our HALs to engage in discussions on topics of interest, fostering social interaction and collaborative problem-solving.

Professional Development for Teachers
We have a comprehensive professional development (PD) structure to equip our teachers with the skills and knowledge to meet our HALs’ learning needs, and to maximise their potential.
We also have a series of school-based professional development platforms for our teachers to convene regularly to share innovative lesson ideas and enriched activities to meet the learning needs of HALs. Our teacher also receive mentorship support from our ST/ Learning Needs (HAL).

Good stories:
Click on the links below to read the news report on how BLGPS supports our HALs, featuring Ms Grace Phang, ST/ Learning Needs (HAL) and her students from Boon Lay Garden Primary School:
· https://www.zaobao.com.sg/news/singapore/story20240820-4510918
· https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rC4x9QoUP7E
· https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raNUVyUtG94